Every day there is another article on the Internet, a television special, or post to social media where some organization’s sensitive data has been compromised by unauthorized parties and caused innumerable harm to the organization and its employees. Various companies and organizations that have had well publicized data breaches include the Sony, Target, and the United States Government.
This should scare you and your organization. Nefarious individuals use a variety of methods to gain access to sensitive data including social engineering, hacking, and malware. Organizations need to understand that protection of data does not only include data located at their offices in today’s mobile world. Employees are bringing and working on files from home more then ever. By having effective guidelines in place to warn employees the seriousness of the protection of corporate assets limits the possible chances for data falling into the wrong hands.
The United States government can fine your organization if you do not meet certain guidelines such as HIPAA/HITECH. Whether you are a healthcare organization, school, state/federal agency, or commercial enterprise you should have in place the strategies and processes required to protect your data. DAB Consulting can help your organization achieve these goals.